Why CODE VLM Mini Is Your Festival Lifesaver!

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Off to a festival this summer? Where are you going? And, more importantly, what are you bringing? Packing your festival make up bag can be such a pain. We all know the dilemma – you want to look your most fabulous (who knows who you might meet in the crowd!) but you also gotta accept that can’t take your entire bedroom with you (sorry – we wish this was possible too). Well, when it comes to mascara, we’ve got you covered. Here’s 5 reasons why CODE VLM Mini is your festival lifesaver… 


  1. It’s Travel Size –Traveling light is essential at festivals, trust us you will be miserable carting round a heavy backpack 24/7. CODE VLM Mini is the perfect size to pop in your bumbag or pocket.
  2. You Can Build Up Your Look – We understand that daytime chilling with a can of cider and dancing the night away at your favourite DJ requires a whole different look but who has time to re do their whole face when there’s so many acts to see! You can build up the layers of CODE VLM Mini to increase the drama off your lashes from day to night, without worrying about it clumping or flaking off.
  3. It’s Kind To Your Lashes - Festivals can take a toll on our appearance, as much as we might intend to it’s unlikely that we are going to be able to stick to our usual skincare and grooming routine. CODE VLM Mini is kind to your lashes, containing vitamins and minerals to encourage lash growth, so while we never encourage sleeping in your make up – if you forget to take it off, VLM Mini won’t do as much damage as a typical mascara. 
  4. It Will Stay In Place – CODE VLM Mini might be little but it’s also tough. It won’t sweat off when you’re in the middle of a stuffy tent and it will withstand unpredictable festival weather, it won’t melt in the heat or smudge in a rain shower.
  5. It Looks Great With Glitter – At festivals it’s a lot of fun to wear brightly coloured makeup, glitter and gems on our faces, the more extravagant the better. For this reason, it’s extra important that our lashes stand out, so they don’t get lost in a busier look. CODE VLM Mini will give you everything you need for statement lashes, volumes, length, thickness and definition, so they will be noticed against a background of glitter eye shadow!

Like what you hear? You can get your CODE VLM Mini for just £10 here.

Enjoy festival season, and stay beautiful…😘

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