Makeup Horror Stories That Will Truly Haunt You

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Makeup Horror Stories That Will Truly Haunt You

With Halloween just around the corner, we decided to ditch the ghosts and creepy doll stories this year and call on the CODE Beautiful community to tell us about some of their most horrifying beauty stories.

 Here are some of our favourites:



Fake it till you make it

 My sister once asked me to help fake tan her back and I’d never done it before, so I just kept rubbing in circles like she told me, but I didn’t realise I was just rubbing the same area over and over again. Basically, she had a big orange circle on her back for days.

 She wasn’t too impressed when she put on her backless bodysuit for a party she was going to that night!


Ronald McDonald

It was years ago but when I wore red lipstick for the first time on holiday, a group of guys decided to nickname me Ronald McDonald… that was pretty embarrassing!

 I like to think I’m a lot better at applying red lipstick these days!!


That’s gotta hurt!!

 I have REALLY straight natural lashes so have always relied on curlers to give them a bit of a lift. I was never satisfied with the results I was getting so one day I decided to try a new way of using my curlers. Instead of using them on bare lashes, I decided to blast them with a hairdryer to heat them up, before using them on my mascara’d lashes. As the curlers cooled down, clamped down onto my lashes, the heat must have done something to the mascara to make it set, leaving my lashes essentially glued down to the curlers. I pulled the curlers away and a huge chunk of my lashes were still attached to the curlers and I was left with a bald patch on my eye.


We’ve all been there

 Hmm my eyebrows pre 2016. That’s all I’ve got to say about that one… I’m sure you’ll all understand what I mean 🤦🏽‍♀️

 They were their own horror story!



We love hearing your stories, keep sharing them in the comments below!



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