So today I thought I'd share with you how we made our ultimate everyday mascara... It all started because we couldn’t find ‘THE ONE’ I used to mix 3 different mascaras depending on what look I wanted... I would see the advert, get excited about this ‘new tech mascara’ not realise the images were retouched, the mascara would arrive – Id be disappointed by lunchtime! So really our first product development started as a bit of mission to see if we could make the ultimate mascara... We went out and bought every mascara on the market, in our office at the time there were lots of women of different ages so we all took it in turns to feedback on the cheaper brands to the most expensive, we scored them on how well they stayed put, how easy they were to remove, how long the results lasted... All of them in one way or another let us down.
So we asked women in our network what they wanted from there mascara, by this point we knew we were onto something.... we made "THE WISH LIST" all the things women expected and desired from their fave mascara.
- It had to be ethical, the ingredients the packaging the manufacturing process.
- It had to give us length, volume, curl, separation, an elegant look.
- It had to give us faith that we wouldn’t have panda eyes by lunch time, and it wouldn’t droop or flake.
- It had to be super easy to remove at night but still allow us to have a good laugh or cry.
We quickly learnt that the new ‘tech’ brushes weren’t going to cut it, we had to go old school.
So we spent about 18 months getting it as perfect as we could… We then asked 100 women to help us, they tried it for two weeks and WERE BLOWN AWAY! We knew we were really on to something.....
We discovered through this process that the difference between our ultimate everyday mascara being great and amazing was the way it was applied... so the twist on the way everyone applies there mascara was born, the 'roots, wriggle, twist and roll'... and then 2 years on we launched it waaaay back in 2013, woop woop.
We won award after award, both in the UK and globally, but the one thing we really won was super loyal customers who would never use another mascara again – They’d found … the one....
Here's a little video I filmed for you (whilst out walking Poppy) have a watch of it HERE.
Have you tried it?
Sarah x