#TEAMCODE Meet Emma M...

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team code

It's super important to us to have a genuine relationship with our #CODERS, and part of that is introducing you to the team. We decided to start a weekly feature, where members of team code would answer a few questions, so you can get to know us a little better!

First up, our Fairy Godmother, Emma M...

What does your role at CODE involve? I am CODE Beautiful’s Fairy Godmother!  I make sure that our retailers’ wishes are granted by processing their orders.  I also keep in touch with all our other CODERS via our Hello@ inbox, answering any of their questions and helping out where I can.  Most importantly, I keep a close eye on all our lovely products so we know when we need to get busy making more so we never run out!
What beauty product can you not live without? Mascara for sure!



Whose celebrity style do you love? Jenifer Anniston - she’s just naturally beautiful and looks awesome for her age! :-)


What do you hope to see CODE achieve in the next five years?  To have a full range of awesome beauty products so we can all keep adding them to our make-up bags!


What is something most people don’t know about you? I once had a pet sheep called Ralph.


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