Our Top 3 Parenting Books

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Our Top 3 Parenting Books

With so many parenting books around, it can be hard to know where to turn for advice. Here’s our top 3 tried and tested parenting books ‘cause raising small humans be hard.

1.) The Book You Wish Your Parents had Read by Philippa Perry

It’s not a revolutionary idea to suggest that the behaviour that comes most naturally to us as parents with respect to how we respond to our children reflects the way our parents were with us. Though we may not immediately realise it, it makes complete sense— of course, the parent/child relationship provides the foundation for our future relationships. Having said that, just because something comes naturally doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s positive or productive.

That’s where The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read by Philippa Perry comes in handy.

Essentially, Perry presents a way of being as a parent to help avoid perpetuating the cycle of emotional dysfunction. A trained psychotherapist, her approach is rooted in cultivating a mutually respectful relationship between parent and child, wherein children are listened to, understood and supported (although not always agreed with.) By providing tools and exercises to facilitate the examination of our own feelings and reactions to our small humans, she provides guidance on how to raise emotionally aware and resilient children.



2.) The Whole Brain Child by Daniel J Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

Written collaboratively by a neuropsychiatrist and a parenting expert, the Whole Brain Child is rooted in neuroscience and provides a clear explanation of how a child’s brain functions and develops. It’s great for gaining insight into why small kids don’t act like adults and how to help your little humans develop emotional intelligence. It’s very structured in the way it presents the information and puts forth a framework of twelve actionable strategies. Helpful and informative.

1.) Connect and Redirect

2.) Name it to Tame it

3.) Engage, Don’t enrage

4.) Use it or Lose it

5.) Move it or Lose it

6.) Use the Remote of the Mind

7.) Remember to Remember

8.) Let the Clouds of Emotion roll by

9.) SIFT

10.) Exercise Mindsight

11.) Increase the Family Fun Factor

12.) Connect through Conflict  

3.) Drama Free Discipline  by Daniel J Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson 

Written by the same authors of The Whole Brain Child, No Drama Discipline is based in the Connect and Redirect principle put forth in the other book. Bryson and Siegel unpack the way we as parents understand the term discipline and suggest that instead of viewing discipline as being synonymous with punishment, we think of it has an opportunity to teach. They use brain science to help parents to understand and react differently to children in the most trying moments and provide guidance on how to help us connect and move from the reactive to the receptive.

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