Celebrity and Corporate Backed Beauty Brands VS the Niche Indies

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Celebrity and Corporate Backed Beauty Brands VS the Niche Indies

Beauty advertisements tend to follow a simple formula. Find a well-known celebrity prepared to endorse the product, a large sum of cash and a little airbrushing and place the result in a glossy magazine and on the telly. And why not? It works.               


Or does it? Mass market beauty brands are still holding on to this tactic and some taking it even further by forming an alliance with celebrities to launch their own line but what does this mean for small, independent brands?                                                                    

Consumers are always looking for something different, even if it’s just a name on the packaging that makes them feel closer to someone they admire or to make them think they have something in common.                                                                   

The thing people don’t seem to realise though is, who is actually making all these products? Let’s face it, launching a beauty brand takes time, investment and active participation; 3 things a lot of high profile celebrities don’t have time for. More often than not, it’s the same few private label companies who create these brands with the idea in mind to launch products quickly and cheaply to create some instant cash.

While there are a high number of consumers that are happy to fill their makeup bags this way (Kylie Jenner selling out in minutes is proof of this), there are people out there who want more from their beauty routine.

Luxury consumers are motivated to look much deeper into brands, they aren’t just looking for the latest ‘trendy’ thing, they are on the quest for the perfect product. They want to know what’s in the formula, who’s behind the brand and how it can benefit them.

This is where small, independent, self-made brands come in to play.

Small beauty brands, often run by women, are trying to go up against the Goliaths of an industry that is worth billions with a very limited budget. But they are doing it with a backbone of 5 people versus 50.

It almost seems impossible right? Well it sometimes can be tricky being a ‘David’ in this industry, but we are winning and that’s hugely down to our loyal customer base who keep coming back to us for trusted quality and effortlessly effective products without the fairytales.

By selecting the product we want to formulate and most importantly, why we want to create this product, we’re able to spend the time making sure it’s perfect before we launch it for you. We select products that will solve ours and our friends problems, ones that will fix the challenges we all face in our daily beauty routine.

We might not be able to launch 50 foundation shades, or an entire makeup collection in 12 months, but we can promise you undeniably great formulas made with you in mind, always.

Being an independent brand means there is no pressure on us on how quickly we have to launch a product, or which product we have to launch next. We look at a problem that needs solving, i.e, never being able to find the perfect mascara, and spend as long as it takes researching and developing until we crack the code to that perfect product.
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