Our customers are the original inspiration behind our product development, we thought you may be a little excited to know that a lovely 'celeb ' has followed in your footsteps by wearing our products, she's chic and understated...The lovely Pippa Middleton has been spotted wearing CODE VLM during her shoot for Waitrose. 😱😱
Yep, you heard it here first... even royals wear CODE Beautiful mascara! 😂
Here is a sneak peek from the shoot...
We have the super talented makeup artist, Eloise Parker to thank for introducing Pippa to our mascara, she did her makeup for the shoot and we think she looks naturally glowing!
We always say CODE Beautiful is a bit like discovering the undiscovered... our inner circle of loyal customers were the first to discover us but it’s amazing to see the other celebs that have followed suit...
Giovanna Fletcher wearing CODE VLM (volumising, lengthening mascara). Makeup by Eloise Parker.
Mollie King wearing CODE SSL (soft smooth lip liner) on ITV This Morning. Makeup by Celena Hancock.
Michelle Keegan wearing CODE VLM (volumising, lengthening mascara) at her Lipsy launch. Makeup by Emily Clarkson.
Mel B wearing CODE VLM (volumising, lengthening mascara). Makeup by Celena Hancock.
So again, a massive thank you to Eloise and all the other amazing and talented makeup artists who have introduced our products to celebs all over the world... we are forever grateful! 😍