It’s Friday night and we’ve got ourselves ready looking amazing but lashes letting us down…. Here’s how to get that extra lash volume and length quick and easy AND make sure your lashes stay in place all night, with no flakes, no smudges and amazing lash lift :-
Step 1
Before you start applying any make up make sure your face and lashes are thoroughly clean with no trace of product from yesterday!! :-) After you’ve finished the rest of your make up, use a black eyeliner to line the upper water line on the inside of your eye this helps with the appearance of thicker darker lashes. ( top tip- make sure when you apply your eye cream that you make sure it’s not near the lash line! )
Step 2
No need to curl your lashes you’ll be amazed at how the next two steps will give your lashes curl that lasts. Take CODE FFL our pre-mascara lash plumper, get the wand as close to the lash root as possible give it a little wiggle from side to side (this will give you thickness, making sure the bulk of the product sits at the base of the lash, #SeriousLashThickness) then twist and roll the wand through your thumb and finger, try not to do the usual sweep action, the twist and roll upwards will give you amazing lash separation and lash length.
Step 3
Wait 30 seconds for CODE FFL, Forget Fake Lashes to dry and then apply a coat of CODE VLM to your top lashes using the same technique… get the wand to the base of the lash, give it a good wiggle back and forth and then twist and roll through your finger and thumb.
ROOT, WRIGGLE, ROLL – Repeat…. As much as you want till you get the right volume, length, thickness and curl. CODE VLM will not go all clumpy and flaky and will not smudge, flake or run.
Step 4
Take CODE VLM MINI this product is sooooo cute we carry it everywhere, perfect for a travel mascara ( I use it every day ) and amazing for those ladies who have smaller eyes or want to have a teeny brush to apply mascara to the lower lashes. CODE VLM MINI gets right into the corners where most mascara brushes cant reach properly.
Step 5
Get yourselves out, flutter those lashes have some fun and choose your next victim :-)