Another day...another show... :-)

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So we were live again on QVC UK early hours 1am Tuesday morning.. and again at 7am for those early risers... what a fab night we had!  We love QVC as it allows us to show you lovely people the real results you get from our CODE Beautiful mascara.

This time we had Co-Founder Kirsti as the model, after Kirsti having children she had lost a lot of lashes and now has very short sparse lashes, so Kirsti showed off the long lashes CODE VLM gives  her.  Sarah has very fine lashes and after one coat of CODE VLM the results looked fab, long, volumised curled lashes!

We are just two normal (as you can be!) women with real problems with our lashes so we created a product that works for every women and creates a look that’s perfect for you...  If anyone caught the show, comment below and let us know what you thought...!

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