CODE Beautiful

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Well we can hardly believe it… this brand and our very first product has been in the making for the last year. We, being Kirsti and Sarah, are just two women who had a chat one day about how frustrating it was that we couldn’t find the perfect Mascara, you know the type… the one that you can just apply a layer or two in the day and then top up at night without any clumps.

We went out shopping EVERYWHERE and spent an absolute fortune in search of the holy grail that is THE perfect mascara, and whilst we loved different mascaras out there, we couldn’t find our perfect one… So with ZERO knowledge of product formulations and production options, we started our mission, speaking to manufacturers across the world learning about ingredients trying endless different combinations of brush, product and packaging.

A few months in we’d cracked it, we couldn’t believe how many options of brushes there were or how much of a massive difference it made to application and ultimate in our goal seeking of gorgeous lashes. So we had our product and we wanted to be a bit different to everyone else out there, so we spent a lot of time with our designer getting the brand and packaging to really stand out from the crowd. Thinking about our proposition was easy; we wanted normal women to feel as we did, fabulous!

We decided we wanted to help women by giving hints and tips as to how to get that perfect lash look. So over the coming weeks you’ll start to see hints and tips of how we learned to get the best from our mascara.

We knew that we loved it but needed to make sure that others felt the same so we sent a load of product, un-branded, out to consumers to test and give us their feedback… when we read the comments we were getting back we knew we’d created something really special, so until the next post we wanted to share a few with you….

the mascara drew attention to my eyes giving them dramatic length and volume without looking fake or trashy” Gemma McCrystal

Amazing !!” Annalise Carter

I felt sexier and younger and friends and family commented” Denise Davies

I really like the product. I am allergic to most mascaras so this is a really good find. I feel more feminine with long fluttery eye lashes” Kate Atchison

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