One of our key focuses this year has been to become a more responsible and environmentally friendly brand. Earlier this year we had all five of our products certified as cruelty-free and vegan by PETA, an accolade we are incredibly proud of. The decision to go down this path was in no small part down to the encouragement and inspiration we received from you! Though not all of us here at CODE are vegans, many of you made it clear that this is something of incredible importance to you so we took it onboard. The more we learned, the more we realised the opportunities to become more sustainable across the whole business. Thank you for helping us become better.
You may remember earlier this year, we asked you if there was anything you could change about our packaging. The key piece of feedback we received from you all was that you wanted us to reduce the amount of paper we used to make our packaging and make sure it was as sustainable as possible--fully recyclable packaging (including the finish.)
In response, we’ve cleaned up our act--no plastic coating or glossy finishes! We didn’t want to lose our premium touch, so we’ve sourced packaging that not only looks and feels great, but is also 100% recyclable. Truth be told, it wasn’t easy, but we think it was worth it.
We’ve reduced our footprint, we’ve streamlined all our products packaging and gotten rid of any unnecessary paper that just ends up in the bin. This meant sacrificing some fancy finishes that would have made the packaging non-recyclable, but we’re pretty pleased with the result.
We’ve kept our British but urban Tokyo inspired roots but created a new design that reflects both our brand and amazing customers!
Our fancy new boxes will be arriving on your doorsteps soon so please let us know what you think! By the end of this year all the old packaging will be gone.
Looking forward to 2020, we’re going to continue to break beauty rules to create the products that you’ve asked us for, so let’s keep the conversation going. We’re working away at your requests daily all the while remaining mindful of being a responsible and sustainable brand.
We’d love to find a solution that would mean all parts of our products are 100% recyclable, but right now this isn’t possible as there are no alternatives for things such as our mascara tubes and lip liner casing. We’re actively working towards a solution though, so watch this space.
In the meantime, we found this amazing solution for recycling your old mascara wands. Check it out here.
We hope you love our new packaging, let us know what you think in the comments below! Please share the love with your friends—as an independent brand up against the corporate giants you are our best way of getting our brand out there. We’ve grown together since 2014 so keep it going it means the world to us.
Sarah & Emma x