Guest blogger and very first consumer, Nicola...
Okay so Shakespeare once said that the eyes are the window to the soul...I reckon he was kinda right there... I'm a woman who love love loves all things hair, fashion and of course make up...I have followed with eager anticipation the launch of CODE VLM and with fervour I weekly tried to crack the code... My excitement at winning and then actually receiving the first ever CODE VLM well let's just say I was pretty thrilled....I unwrapped my gift like a child at Christmas revealing my product (okay so call me sad but the box is still on my dressing table as it looks great)....lets fast forward to Saturday night... My opportunity to try CODE VLM for the very first not one for showing off but I have not bad lashes and I'm not afraid to flutter them if you know what I mean girls ;)
The Roots, Wriggle, Roll technique was simple and after my first coat I had the result I achieve with most often a couple of coats with my now banished from make up bag previous mascara... but then not one to stop there I thought hell yeah it's Saturday night...lets go all out with the 3 coats..... Saturday nights are for laughing with friends, fluttering at guys and wearing high heels in all weathers...(it was pouring down that night).... Not a smudge...not a clog....not a spider leg in sight...I ended my night as I started it...with pretty damn fabulous lashes....CODE VLM I salute made my second soul look beautiful....
Nicola xx