In today's consumer-driven society; a single definition of what it means to be beautiful is being imposed upon us.
Industries seeking to profit from our vulnerabilities bombard us with touched up images of unattainable aesthetics. Telling us their way is the only way.
Instead of accepting our authenticity, we are told to adapt;
Instead of embracing our uniqueness, we are told to conform;
As though our ability to fit the mould is indicative of our worth,
So they can sell us the solution to the crisis in confidence they created
This is why we are building CODE Beautiful.
We believe that you are what makes you beautiful.
Our purpose is to enhance the way you naturally look and feel, so you can stay focused on being you.
By challenging the accepted standards of beauty—we don’t do fashion, fads or fairytales.
Championing individuals and the lives they live; taking inspiration from real people doing incredible things.
Keeping it real— never-over promising and under-delivering—our products do what we say they do.
Prioritising the true wants and needs of our customers— asking for feedback, actually listening and translating that feedback into action.
And creating products of uncompromising quality in a way that we can be proud of; 100% vegan and cruelty free.
Our First Mission is to offer a collection of standout beauty products that do what they are supposed to do (and more) to meet the expressed wants and needs of real individuals across the globe.
No trends, no nonsense; just the products we’ve been asked for, upgraded both in the way they are produced and the way that they perform, to enhance the way our customers look and feel according to their own definitions of beauty. But we’re not stopping there.
We are on a path to defining a new normal. A world where we are not defined by our ability to live up to someone else’s standard of beauty. We aim to become the facilitators of a global conversation; a community of people who are living by their own CODE, coming together to exchange ideas on the things that really matter to them.
We’ve got a long journey ahead, but together we will make it happen!